Activity: road cycling
Location: Middleburg, VA > Purcellville > Lovettsville > Purcellville > Middleburg
Distance: 59.9 miles
Duration: 3:18
Weather: sunny, calm and chilly, 40-47 degrees
Avg HR: 130 (max 160)
Type: aerobic

PPTC “Something In The Middle” ride, led by me. I was recovering from a nasty head cold, and this was my first real outing since getting sick. The cold was a bit bracing, but I told myself that I wouldn’t push too hard – all worked out great. By the last 10 miles I was hurting, with some mild cramp, but that’s mostly due to the fact that my body was nutritionally spent. Saw some lovely colors on the route – one that I hadn’t done since the summer of 2003.