Still in Utah, still writing from a local coffee emporium.
Mom’s recovery is going well, and the house cleaning is going along as well as it can. Mom is getting around well on crutches and she’s getting more and more mobile every day. The house is also becoming more crutch-friendly every day.
I’m keeping afloat. I’ve been out riding twice since arriving in Utah, and I’ll ride some more in the coming days. It’s a nice break, and while sprite has returned to DC, I’ve got little windows of time to go out and ride. Such is life.
Off to grab dinner and return home. I hope to get mom online soon – that’ll improve things quite a bit. She’s got the laptop, and I’m going to teach her the ways of the computer and the internet over the next week. Wish me luck!
21 June 2007 — 22:28
You can do it! She seems ready to learn the ways of the Web, so here’s hoping it works out well!
22 June 2007 — 05:28
I’m glad you’ve gotten out on a bike a bit more. Good!
Good luck w/ the teachings of the internets! I hope you have more luck than I did w/ Grammy! My mom at least did pick it up fairly well, though is now scared of the Windows box that’s replaced my old Mac down in CT.
22 June 2007 — 10:00
Ah, teaching a mother how to use the internet. That brings back good ol’ memories of my mother asking me to open Yahoo one day. So I open a browser window. She scolds me for opening a browser window when she asked me to open Yahoo. So I then try to explain that Yahoo is an internet site while she protests and calls me foolish. Don’t open up a new browser, just double click on that thingy on the desktop and it opens up. Gotta love it! Best of luck to ya!