May is National Bike Month, and I plan on taking this title to its fullest extent: I plan on riding at least once every day in the month of May.

Seems simple, right?

Well, even though it won’t be completely simple, I’m already off to a good start, and tonight’s “Downtown Breakaway” ride should also be a good one. And I’ll commute to work on the bike as much as possible (even on the rainy days – it’s a phobia I need to shake, post-accident), which serves to wake me up in the morning and saves wear-and-tear on the car (and on my wallet, with the now-sensible petrol prices coming to fruition). Even if it’s a simple, 10-minute ride to the store, it’ll count. These won’t all be specific “workout” rides, but they’ll all count in the grand scheme of wellness.

If everybody did this, we’d be well on our way to tackling both oil addition and health/fitness issues in this country.