Up in Connecticut for the weekend, cleaning up the basement at sprite’s parents’ house.

When we first moved to DC, we had to leave quite a bit of our stuff in Connecticut. In the nearly three years it has been at their house, it has been pared down in bits and bats. There have been, however, two major catalysts to major cleaning:

  1. a massive mold and mildew outbreak in the summer of 2003; and
  2. a basement flood that happened two weeks ago due to massive rains

So we’re here, going through the boxes and bins. The damage this time was minimal, but we have been able to get rid of three bags of clothes, which we donated to the Salvation Army this afternoon. And more stuff will be weeded through tomorrow, and again at Thanksgiving.

The rain did some other damage to the Turkey Ridge property, as well. I’ll take photos and post them soon.