To all my DC for Democracy friends out there:

There is a special meeting tomorrow night at 7:00 pm. The focus of the meeting is whether to endorse the September 24 United for Peace D.C. Anti-War Mobilization, which is being co-sponsored by Inernational ANSWER.

I am wholeheartedly against any endorsement of this march by DC for Democracy. I wrote about my stance earlier this month, and my feelings have not changed: officially associating DC for Democracy with this march will severely (and possibly irreparably) damage DC4D’s credibility.

Some basic facts:

  • No other Democracy for America affiliates have voted to endorse this rally.
  • Those who have endorsed the rally include the U.S. Communist Party, Cleveland Right-To-Life, and other, non-progressive organizations.
  • The rally has zero focus and will not serve to shape a sound military policy.
  • Endorsing the rally will put many DC4D members in very awkward and potentially risky situations.
  • There are many more important commitments already made by DC4D that are being neglected due to the distraction of this debate (e.g. Virginia House of Delegate races to which DC4D made hard-and-fast commitments of volunteers and time).
  • There is nothing stopping individual DC4D members from attending the march, on their own, with DC4D signs.

Please read my earlier post and think long and hard before you vote.

However, if the rally is endorsed tomorrow night, I will be highly disappointed with those who vote in favor. Credibility in political circles is fleeting, and not something to be bandied about recklessly. Endorsing the September 24 rally would, in my opinion, cause damage to DC4D that may never be repaired.