Short thoughts:

  • Rumsfeld is on Meet The Press, continuing his lies and distortions about Iraq and the “war on terra.”
  • At the same time, Gen. Abazaid is on Face The Nation, giving a much more “straight dope” and sobering assessment of the real situation on the ground in Iraq.
  • There is a lot of chatter these days about the impending retirement of Chief Justice Rehnquist, something that troubles me, too. Bush will probably nominate a conservative activist judge who has no respect for the Bill of Rights, the Senate will likely enact the nuclear option, and the country will be screwed.

Maybe if I look at the entertainment news, there will be something better…

Nope. There’s Tom Cruise, whose complete devotion to Scientology (which is simply a big ‘ol scam, nothing more) has finally driven him over the edge. If he’s an expert in psychology, then I’m a superstar cyclist who will beat Lance Armstrong in the Tour de France.