Activity: alpine skiing
Location: Stratton, VT
Start time: 1230 hrs.
End time: 1540 hrs.
Weather: sunny, 40 degrees
Max HR (bursts): 175 (beats in 10 seconds x 6)
Type: anaerobic

Possibly my last skiing venture for the 2004-2005 season, it was a great way to go. Got in 12 runs, approximately 14,000 feet of vertical, mostly high-speed GS and SG turns, working on dynamic edging. Also worked on keeping my weight forward, going down the fall line. Good trunk workout, as well as legs (quads, hamstrings, thighs, glutes). Maximum heart rate decent, considering I hadn’t been out on a good sprint since January. Kept hydrated (1.5 liters throughout workout period) as sun was strong and sweat ensued.